Friday, December 31, 2010
Mary Update
Monday, December 27, 2010
An update
Poor Mary has been languishing on the sidelines since June when I posted this pic:
I decided she needed some stitching time and that I want to finish her in 2011. Sooooo, over the Christmas holiday I pulled her out and got lots done. I'm hoping to get more done in the upcoming month -- maybe get her finished?? We shall see .....
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Part One Completed
Sorry for disappearing and leaving you all in the lurch. 2010 was not a very good year and when I wasn't fielding bad news and the after effects, I was gift stitching.
I just completed Part 1. I still have a long way to go!
I definitely hope to have my Mary completed in the first half of 2011.
Valerie :)
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Latest on Mary
Monday, October 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Another Mary Start

Fabric: 40-count Antique White Newcastle Linen
Fiber: Blue Bunny floss from Hand Made by Nina
Stitched 1 over 2
Progress as of 1 August 10
The main reason I decided to start her again was because of the fiber. I saw it on Nina's personal blog and absolutely fell in love with it.
Here's my progress on my other over 1 version of Mary:

Fabric: 36-count Maritime White linen from Lakeside Linens
Fibers: Variety of GAST, CC, and WDW
Stitched 1-over-1 using tent stitch

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Mary is ready for the Fair

My Parents and In-laws, my own four children and their spouses and their children -- each is stitched in a different color (one per family) so I will know who belongs to who when there are duplications. -- ie my eldest son and his family are all in blue, son #2 and wife and offspring are green, dd and her brood are in yellow and my youngest and his are in rust.
In addition, if the person(s) are deceased, their initials are stitched in black. I put the date in the lower right hand corner as well.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Update on Mary Wigham . . . in silk

Monday, May 31, 2010
finally some progress
Friday, May 14, 2010
It's been awhile .....
I have finally returned to stitching on Mary. Unfortunately, I was side tracked for awhile with other things but here she is.
I took the time to get her on roller bars and now she's much easier to handle. Previously, she and I were hoop-ing it. That just wasn't working for me. This is much easier on my hands.
Glad to see I'm not the only one not finished :)
Happy stitching!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Miss Mary in Virginia
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Three motifs added

Happy Stitching, Everyone!
(Visit me at
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Moving Right Along
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Progress on my Mary

Friday, April 9, 2010
A quick MW status for Friday
Once that is finished, I will begin stitching the last motif on the top right-hand side today. My goal is to get that finished by the end of the weekend before I have to put MW into hibernation for awhile, again. I need to start some exchanges as the mail deadline of May 1 is coming soon...and exchanging stitching of smaller projects will be perfect for airplane projects as I am getting ready to leave for Washington DC as a chaperon for my older son's 8th grade trip.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mary Update~Slow Going
Saturday, April 3, 2010
MW update from California
Here is the "flower" area I have been working on the last few days. I used GAST butternut squash for the flower-in-the-diamond motif and for the flower buds on the stems, it is Berry Cobbler. I noticed last night, as I was stitching the upper flower, that my count was I am debating whether to "frog-it" and start over or just leave it. It won't mess up the placement of any of the other motifs and unless I point it out to everyone when it is done, it is one of those things no one will even know...but I will. What would you do in this case?
Well, just wanted to share my status of MW. I will probably stitch on her for another week before putting her away for a while as some exchange deadlines are May 1 and I do have a trip to Washington DC coming up (chaperon for an 8th grade field trip) where it will be easier to haul some little projects for the plane ride.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
My Mary Update

Visit me at
Sunday, March 7, 2010
February Progress

The entire U.S. has had terrific stitching weather this winter, don't you think? Here's Mary in progress the morning after a Wisconsin snowstorm.
I dyed my own silk and linen for this project, and have been intimidated by choosing color substitutions; but the experience has been SO valuable! I'm growing increasingly confident in just intuiting choices for this motif and that -- just laying the skeins down and FEELING which one works.
My only regret has been lavender. All the other colors were deliberately dulled down. I was inspired by the glass of water in which I soaked my eyedroppers: The mishmash of dye leftovers colored the water to a deep, slightly warm, icky gray. I called that glassful "dirt." And every skein I dyed was subject to a wash in "dirt" to muddy the base color. But lavender somehow escaped this treatment! Amid the grayed-down colors, here's a blast of Disney-princess lavender! Argh. I've gone back and forth about taking it out, but this isn't easy with 65-year-old eyes. Still thinking about it, and still SO in love with Mary and the lovely winter she's given me.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March Update!
Some project decisions have finally been made. Family initials will be substituted and since that was changing the original design, I could rationalize a few other changes too. Like using some other color than white for the blooms on the flower above--not sure what yet though.
Do you think I am being distracted by other projects? YES! There are 15 WIP's sitting out in my stitching area-way too noisy with them all calling to me! *Please visit my new blog-atwillowtreepond to see what else is calling! :)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
My daughter and I went to visit Mom last week and stopped in at The Needlework Boutique just minutes from her house. Mom corralled Marlowe (my two-year-old) and I tried to take it all in. Mom selected some really lovely hand-dyed forest green linen and Suzette at Needlework Boutique helped me make sure there was enough for the finished sampler (of course Mom couldn't select something with the same count.)
Turns out Suzette is also working on a Mary. I hope we'll hear from her here.
My husband took my daughter out Saturday and I got started.
I hope to get at least an hour in each day before Marlowe gets up and while she naps. I'm in a bad mood today because I have to spend nap time getting ready for a neighborhood meeting tonight.
The Needlework Boutique is quite a drive from my house but I'm looking forward to future visits and with a built in babysitter minutes away it could be my new happy place.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Mary From January & Blog Update
I've spent some time revamping the look of the blog a little as well as developing a list of all participants with hyperlinks. This should make it easier for everyone to "visit" each other. =)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Mary so far.....

Saturday, February 13, 2010
My Mary
This was the official beginning to my "blue and green" period. I'm still there and it makes me happy. I would like to replace the original initials with the letters of the alphabet like I saw someone on the Needleprint site do.
I'm in the process of finishing up a BlackBird Design project with hearts, but am looking forward to getting back to Mary after least on a part time basis.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Another New Member!
My name is Bobbi and I live in the Cleveland area. I just came across this blog for the first time this morning and am thrilled to be able to join. I started my Mary quite a while ago, but she has gone to the bottom of the list a few times in favor of new starts and some actual finishes.
I am a widow, a mother to two, a grandmother to five, and will become a great-grandmother in July. Where in the world does the time go?
I have to run out to do some errands that I have been putting off for a couple of snowy days, but I will post a photo of my Mary over the weekend. I look forward to becoming excited about this project again and meeting the goal of having the project completed in 2010. I will catch up on all your photos and posts over the weekend, also.
Bobbi - Ohio
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I have to finish a project (a service flag in honor of my nephew) for my sister in law before I can start my Mary. Little did I know that was not my only obstacle.
Finding the supplies has been a real pain! I am returning to needlework after twenty-year hiatus. I had no idea how hard it is to find quality supplies now! The WalMarts, JoAnns, and Michaels have made it really difficult. I've decided I'm done with them.
I have a couple leads on some far flung independent shops. A trip to any is going to have to be a planned adventure due to my little sidekick. Anyone in the DFW area with some favorite local shops, please email me.
Thank you to those of you that have posted about what materials you used and where you found them. While my daughter fought a nap, I placed my order today for some linen and thread - and a new, free standing scroll frame. (A huge splurge for me.)
This is the corner of our bedroom where I like to work. It's drafty and the view isn't so great (except in spring when the trees bud.) but the rest of our little house is behind my back when I sit here and so I can pretend that the mountains of laundry and towers of mail are someone else's problem.
Since I have no work to show, I'm posting this to ensure that I finish that darn needlepoint service flag and am ready to start Mary as soon as the supplies arrive. I hope to publish my first start (I usually have to rip out the first 2-5 starts.) here next week.
My thanks to everyone posting and following here. You have been a real inspiration to me since I discovered Needleprint just a month or so ago.
Monday, February 8, 2010
A newbie and her MW
Snowy Weekend In Northern Virginia

I hope we will be seeing more process pictures in the next few months and I promise to do my part to keep my updates coming.
Happy Stitching
March Ann
Friday, February 5, 2010
New Memeber
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mary is still Alive and Well
Well, here is my Mary as of January 31, 2010.
Yoyo Progress 4 -- Mary Wigham Forever sampler.
Over 1 on 40 ct Lakeside Linens
V. Lt. Examplar Linen using over-dyed conversion threads (list posted here)
Intro and Blog Update
As Shari announced, she has stepped down from being the group leader and I have offered to come on board. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to Shari for stepping up to the plate in the very beginning and setting up this blog for all of us. She did a great job! Soon after she became group leader, she became a grandma to triplet grandsons and she's been juggling lots of bottles and diapers! She's been busy.
I just started my Mary in November and have been loving her even though I'm still on Part 1. It's not too late to start! It's a New Year, the holidays are behind us and it's time to dig our Mary's out of the closet! I know I would love to see how yours are all coming along!
~ There is one more spot available on the blog. If someone would like to be a member and is working on Mary or about to start, please email me for an invite. First come, first served. My email is on the sidebar in the "Welcome" section.
~ If there is anyone who is no longer interested in being a member, please email me and I can take you off as an author and open up some free spaces. Don't feel happens and frankly, I was supposed to start my own Mary back in June and didn't get to it until November. But I'm glad I did!
~ I changed the look of the blog a little and will probably change it around a little more. Don't be surprised if one day it's one way and the next it's another. I'm just playing around.
I think that's it. Please feel free to email me if you have questions or blog layout ideas.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
New Leader---Welcome Valerie
I have been in contact with Valerie & she is willing to take over as the leader of the USA group for Mary Wigham. Thank you so much Valerie. I am staying on as a member of the blog, but I will not be the contact person any longer. Any concerns can be voiced to Valerie, who is in the member list.
Please, keep working on your Mary's!!!!
I have enjoyed getting to know some of you better, thru this blog!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Group Leader
I would like to offer the leadership of this blog to someone else, someone who would like to make this a great place to be.
If you are interested, drop me an email or reply to this post. I will check it often for a while, with hopes of the right person seeing it & wanting to take over!
Keep up the great work, those of you still working on your Mary!