Come visit me at http://www.ivoryspring.wordpress.com
I just realized that I have been somewhat remiss in reporting my progress for September. I have finished the right corner.
Hopefully this month I will get more done. I have had a project that I had to get done.
The samplers that are being shown are really looking great. I have two sides done and am working on the third. I have a question for those of you that have stitched the first, blue with crown, motif on the right side. Did you correct the motif or stitch it as charted? I can see that charting this sampler would be a humongous task, but it may be the way Mary stitched it. I hate the thought of that much frogging, but it just does not look good to me. Please comment!
Pat in Texas
I have completed the left side and a few more motifs on the top side. I sure wish I could find a scroll bar that would accommodate fabric that is this wide. I am going to give Q Snaps another chance. The set I have is 14” square and I have short arms, making it hard to reach.
As of Aug 30th
Old Windmill and New Wind Generator in NE Colorado