Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mary in Florida

Mary and I are in Florida visting my brother and sister in law. I was sitting on the lani looking out at the garden so I figured Mary would look great with the winter veggie garden as a backdrop. I love the mossy trees in the background too.

Mary in front of the garden

I'll be stitching on my sampler later this evening and tomorrow. Should be home on Wednesday and will post my new progress.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mary update:)

Not a lot of progress, but I did work on it again last week!! With holidays approaching, my mind is in a hundred different directions:)

Everyone's work is AMAZING!!! I do love my Mary, especially over one...just making the time has been my biggest challenge (FACEBOOK IS ADDICTIVE) ;)

Cindy F./TX

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My progess for October

I worked on MW this weekend and got a bit done. I really love how this piece is turning out. After I finished the white flowers on the left side I am not crazy about them but will leave them there. But I am changing the ecru colored flowers on that side to a purple and light purple color.

Have to decide which of my family initials to stitch on the piece, but figure I have time to do that. I'll pull out my family tree and put some grandsparents in there to with the grandkids.
I am taking MW on vacation with me this week and will post some pictures next week.
I am looking forward to seeing other progress on Mary this month.

September Progress

I just realized that I have been somewhat remiss in reporting my progress for September.  I have finished the right corner.

SAL's - October 001

Hopefully this month I will get more done.  I have had a project that I had to get done.


Friday, October 2, 2009

This has been a long time coming, but here is Mary framed at last. I'll probably hang her next to Maria Spence and Ann Trump, two other Ackworth school girls.