Friday, August 14, 2009

A Question & My Conversion

First of all, I have a quick question for those of you who have finished or are nearly finished who stitched this as a monochromatic sampler. How much floss did your sampler take? A friend of mine wants to stitch this as a monochrome and is trying to figure out how much floss to order. So if any of you could provide any insight, I know she would appreciate it.

Some of you have asked about my conversion that I posted a couple of weeks ago. I ended up having to change a few of the fibers because they ones I had initially selected completely disappeared on my fabric when I tested them. After quite of bit of test stitching with other fibers, I've finally come up with my final conversion. I'm stitching my sampler 1-over-1 using tent stitch on 36-count Maritime White from Lakeside Linens. Below is a pic of the final toss on my fabric followed by the table with my conversion.

Please bear in mind that even though I am providing the DMC color numbers in the table below, my conversion is in no way meant to be necessarily similar to the original DMC color recommendation. I used the DMC colors as a starting point for inspiration and then just kind of went from there selecting colors I liked that fit in with the muted palette that I wanted for this sampler.

Click to enlarge

Fibers are listed below in the order they are shown (from left to right) in the above photograph. I have not included color 676 from the original chart since Jacqueline indicated there is very little of it used, and that's only for outlining. So, I will just use one of the other gold fibers instead.

DMCMy Conversion
WhiteWDW Honeysuckle
EcruCC Ginger Snap
225CC Cinnamon Toast
310GAST Sable
352CC Dulce de Leche
356WDW Red Pear
407CC Country Lane
433GAST Wood Smoke
435WDW Pecan
519CC Deep Fennel
725WDW Gold
739CC Perfect Piecrust
746WDW Oak
927CC Dublin Bay
930WDW Deep Sea
934WDW Kudzu
963GAST Woodrose
966GAST Chamomile
3052CC Joshua Tree
3768WDW Dolphin
3822GAST Caramel Corn
3855GAST Apple Cider
3857GAST Berry Cobbler

Thanks for everyone who was interested in learning more about my conversion. I'm really excited about my colors and hope they stitch up as lovely as I think they will. :)

Until next time ...


  1. Converting is such a time consuming task. Looking good.

    FYI, I used 1 strand of Splendor on 40 count linen. 12 ply silk, 8 yds/card. I went into a 3rd card, so I used at least 220 yards. But remember to add more if stitched on a larger count than 40.

  2. Your colors are just the sweetest and most lovely together, so subtle - they will look awesome! Now, you have to keep us regularly updated with your stitching on Miss Mary, so we can see just how wonderful they are looking - can't wait to see it all come together! Congratulations!!!

  3. Thanks for the info, Tommye! I'm familiar with Splendor since I often use it in my counted canvas projects. I should be able to help her determine how much cotton floss to buy based on what you've told me.
